Home Economics
Home Economics is a popular subject in today’s society. Our TVs are monopolized by celebrity chefs and cookery programmes.
Studying Home Economics equips young people to make healthy choices, shop wisely and become independent members of society.
At Key Stage 3, Home Economics is a contributory part within Learning for Life and Work. The skills, knowledge and understanding developed through studying Home Economics are important in today s society, where:
Many people rely on ready-made meals due to busy lifestyles
Obesity is an increasing problem; and diabetes is increasingly popular among young people
Diet-related illness is prevalent.
Facilities and Resources
The Home Economics Department has four well resourced classrooms and two computer rooms to assist with the delivery of ICT within the department.
Extra Curricular
Cookery clubs runs after school on a Tuesday for Year 8 and 9 pupils. Department also have visits from LMC, Tasty Careers and the local Environmental Health Officer.
Mrs Mussen (Curriculum Leader)
Mrs Lathe
Mrs Daly
Miss Strain
Miss Fegan
Technician: Mrs Irvine

Key Stage 3 - Year 8
Year 8 Home Economics Topics
What is Home Economics?
Hygiene & Safety
Equipment Food Storage
The Cooker
The Eatwell Guide
8 Tips for Healthy Eating
Recipe Modification
What I will cook in Year 8
Soda Bread
Healthy Wrap
Pizza Snacks
Potato Wedges
Christmas Tree Krispies
Fresh Fruit Salad
Wheaten Bread
Halloumi Kebabs
French Toast
Easter Nests
Apple Crumble
Queen Cakes

Key Stage 3 - Year 9
Year 9 Home Economics Topics
Eatwell Guide
Food Intolerance
Food Provenance
8 Tips for Healthy Eating
Resource Management
Why we cook food?
What I will cook in Year 9
Dropped Scones
Tuna Pasta Bake
Chocolate Apples
Macaroni Cheese
Lemon Cheesecake
Jam & Coconut Sponge
Easter Cookery
Choc Chip Muffin

Key Stage 3 - Year 10
Year 10 Home Economics Topics
Eatwell Guide
Stages of the Life Cycle
Methods of Paying for Food
Food Waste
Food Miles
Seasonal Foods
Sensory Analysis
What I will cook in Year 10
Cheese Scones
Spaghetti Bolognese
Mince Pies
Raspberry Buns
Mini Savoury Tartlets
Easter Cake
Savoury Loaf
Apple Muffins
Chocolate Fudge Cake

Cookery Club
Cookery club is a great way to meet new people outside of the classroom and develop cooking skills.
Cookery club runs in 4-week programmes for years 8, 9 and 10 meeting on a Tuesday afterschool 3:05-4pm.
You will learn how to make a range of dishes, learn new skills and try new foods.
This year the pupils have made both sweet and savoury recipes including; honey chilli chicken, apple crumble, pizza and shortbread.

GCSE Child Development
The CCEA GCSE Home Economics: Child Development specification is based on the development of babies and small children (0–5 years).
It encourages students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills, including practical skills, by focusing on these key areas:
pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a newborn baby;
the responsibilities involved in parenting and other family roles; and
the social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development of small children, including their dietary, health and educational needs.
The specification has three units:
Unit 1: Parenthood, Pregnancy and the Newborn Baby (External exam 30%)
Unit 2: The Development of the Child (0-5 Years) (External exam 30%)
Unit 3: Investigation Task (Internal assessment 40%)
Course Content
Unit 1
Reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth
Parenthood and its responsibilities
Family planning and conception
Pregnancy and preparation for birth
Unit 2 Child Development 0-5 years
Birth to 5 years (stages of development and factors affecting physical, intellectual, social and emotional development)
Weaning and dietary needs of the child
Child safety and coping with illness and disability
Childcare provision
Support and information available to parents
Unit 3 Investigation Task
Title released September Year 12
Course Delivery
GCSE Child Development is taught using a full range of teaching methods from independent learning, YouTube clips and DVDs. The use of ICT in one of our many ICT suites, is actively encouraged as pupils research and develop ideas for completion of the controlled assessment. Pupils will have the practical opportunities to use the virtual baby and make up a baby’s bottle.
Our students' learning is elevated further by visits from health visitors and midwives. We also invite new mums and their baby / toddler so our students receive first hand knowledge about their pregnancy, labour and life with their new baby.
This course prepares students for further study in child health or education, or the world of work. It allows our students to have a greater awareness of current issues and with further study can open up career opportunities in areas including Children's Nursing, Social Worker, Teaching Assistant, Early Years Teacher, Play Therapist and Child Minder.
Post 16 Progress
This course leads to the A level offered within our school, CEA Single Award Health & Social Care.
Further details are available at https://ccea.org.uk/key-stage-4/gcse/subjects/gcse-home-economics-child-development-2017
GCSE Food and Nutrition
CCEA GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition specification encourages students to develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills, by focusing on these key areas:
The nutritional content of foods and specific nutritional needs of individuals within a multicultural society.
How to be an effective consumer in relation to food choice, food safety and how to manage resources.
Students are also provided with the opportunity to apply their theory knowledge into practice and develop high level practical skills, recipe analysis and creativity skills.
Course content
Food provenance;
Food processing and production
Food and nutrition for good health
Energy and nutrients
Nutritional and dietary needs;
Priority health issues;
Being an effective consumer when shopping for food;
Factors affecting food choice;
Food safety;
Resource management; and
Food preparation; cooking and presentation skills
Assessment Structure

Benefits of studying Food and Nutrition
The course helps to prepare young people for adult life and independent living.
It provides an excellent foundation for young people who wish to undertake further study at Key Stage 5, university or the workplace.
It leads to careers in a wide range food and hospitality related industries including, product development, marketing, personal trainer/ nutritionist, EHO, dietician food supply chain and research.

CCEA GCE Single Award Health and Social Care
The CCEA Health and Social Care specification appeals to students who are:
Passionate about helping others (toddlers, children, teenagers, adults or the elderly)
Desire to work in a role that will support others with their wellbeing (physical, social, intellectual and emotional development)
Interest in health and wellbeing and how to support other with theirs
The course is a mixture of both internal and external assessments that are completed within two years.
Year 13
Unit 1: Promoting Quality Care - Internal portfolio (25%)
Unit 2 Communication - Internal portfolio (25%)
Unit 3 Health & Well Being - External Assessment (50 %)
Year 13 students have enjoyed guest speakers from day nurseries and day care centres and visits to these centres to support portfolio units. Year 13s participated in voluntary work and supported Good Relations Week and helping out at a local nursing home.
Year 14
Unit 4: Health Promotion - Internal portfolio (25%)
Unit 5: Supporting the family - Internal portfolio (25%)
Unit 3: Providing Services - External Assessment (50 %)
also requires the Year 14’s to carry out a health promotion activity of their own where they deliver a presentation based on a current PHA promotion to a group of Year 8’s within the school.
Woman’s Aid and PSNI have come into school to deliver talks to support unit 5 support the family. Health Promotion unit gives pupils the opportunity to deliver a presentation to Year 8 based on a health promotion activity. This offers an opportunity to teach a KS3 lesson.
Careers in Health & Social Care
Teaching, Nursing & Midwifery, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy , Speech & Language Therapy , Psychology, Counsellor, Paramedic , Childcare /nurseryworker
What other subjects will compliment this one
English, Childcare, Food & Nutrition, Sociology & Life and Health Science.
Further details are available at:

CCEA Occupational Studies: Childcare
Students will complete 2 internally assessed units, these include:
The Physical Care of Babies (Year 11)
The Play Environment (Year 12)
The Physical Care of Babies
This unit is 100% portfolio based and pupils are practically assessed. Practical assessments include.
Bathing a baby
Making a baby’s bottle
Changing a nappy and putting a baby to bed.
Pupils complete a written evaluation on each practical completed.
Pupils will enjoy visits throughout the year from Midwives, Heath Visitors and other professionals.

The Play Environment
This unit is 100% portfolio based and pupils are practical assessed. The practical assessments include.
Planning and making a game for children of an age group of their choice
Reading books and rhymes to children
Using a range of recycled materials to create play activities for children.

CCEA Occupational Studies: Food
Students will complete 2 internally assessed units, these include:
Patisserie and Baking (Year 11)
Contemporary Cuisine (Year 12)
Patisserie and Baking
This unit is 100% portfolio based with a mix of practical and written tasks. Pupils are assessed on their practical skills within 3 sections, these include:
Breads and Scones
Cakes and Biscuits
Pupils complete a written evaluation after each practical which is assessed.

Contemporary Cuisine
This unit is 100% portfolio based and pupils are practically assessed. Pupils are assessed on their practical skills within 3 sections, these include:
Pupils complete a written evaluation after each practical which is assessed.
Throughout the year students enjoy visits from Military Chef Andy Gilbert, LMC and Tasty Careers.