‘Magic 5!’ Programme
Our ‘Magic 5!’ programme is an initiative to support borderline pupils who are very close to achieving the 5+ GCSEs that they need to progress onto most pathways following Key Stage 4.
Following an analysis of pupil average grades after TLA 1, borderline pupils who are on track for achieving 4 GCSEs/equivalencies are selected for the programme. These pupils are encouraged to work towards achieving at least one more A*-C in internal TLA assessments. They select a target subject and work with the support of their subject teacher to try to achieve a grade C or above in this subject. Additional support with study skills is also provided in a workshop facilitated by Paul Gray from Learn Spark.
Pupil progress will be monitored after each TLA and ‘Magic 5!’ pupils receive a small reward if their average grades indicate that they have achieved their target and are on track for 5 or more GCSEs/equivalencies grades A*-C.
In recent years, we have been delighted with the success of our ‘Magic 5!’ programme which has seen many borderline pupils achieve 5+ A*-C grades including English & Maths and progress to exciting Post 16 pathways!